Day two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a good nights sleep, even though a drunk person spent a good five minutes trying to get into the room last evening. We had to decide if we were going to Shenzen or stayed in HongKong.

Our initial goal was to go to Shenzen (yay passport stamp), but there isn't a whole lot to do there, so we decided not to go and instead take a hike on the Dragons Back Hiking Trail.

The beauty of Hong Kong is that the city is surrounded by nature, all we had to do is take the subway two stops and a bus for a couple of minutes and we were smack dab in the middle of nature.

The views on the trail were amazing, despide the haze that was hanging around.

At the end of the trail we were rewarded with a beautiful beach to cool off.

Most people took a taxi or shuttle-bus back, but we backtracked the last part of the trail to head to the nearest subway station. It took us across a very large cemetery.

Even the dead have skyscrapers, the building below is a vertical semetery where people store their loved one's ashes.

Back at the MTR station, we took the subway home and spent a few hours relaxing by the pool, also surrounded by skyscapers.



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