Day Thirty Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Today our plan is to head to Yokohama, a city just below Tokyo. From there we'll be able to take the Shinkansen high-speed line to Kyoto and Osaka.



But first we decided to visit a famous pagode just a few kilometers away.

In theory you should be able to see Mt. Fuji in the background, unfortunately it's mostly clouds today.

After waiting around a bit to see if the clouds would clear (they didn't), we decided to head to Yokohama.

One of the most famous parts of Yokohama is Minatomirai. It means "harbor of the future" and is an urban area with many high-rise building a small themepark and malls.

From Minatomirai we walked to Chinatown to get dinner.

After dinner we made a quick stop back at Minatomirai to see it in the dark, followed by a hot shower and sleep at our hotel.



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