Day Nineteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

A slight planning hickup had us awake at 04:00 this morning to head to Sempu Island. It's a three hour drive to the coast and then a ten minute boat ride to the island itself.

The island is covered by a (mangrove) forest and we had to disembark the boat a few meters from the shore, this meant walking around the island with wet feet in my shoes.

After a fourty minute hike we heard waves hitting the beach. It turned out the waves were hitting this hole in the rocks.

From here we had a couple of hours to relax and explore and we did so by swimming, sunbathing and making sure the monkeys didn't steal or stuff.

After a quick climb to get an overview shot of the bay we headed back to the boat.



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