Day Thirty Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Yesterday I bought a new camera, a Sony A6000. I was getting tired of lugging the D90 with a 10-24 lens around all day, after a few hours my shoulder would hurt. To really test the camera I decided to only use the A6000 today, enjoy :)



A lot of buildings in Kyoto are made from wood and there are fire buckets everywhere.

Still getting used to the controls and I just missed this shot :(

All this was happening on our way to... you guessed it, temples! With it's 2,000 religious places, Kyoto has plenty of temples to offer.

We saw the "must see" temples <a href="">last time we visited Tokyo</a>, this time we visited some of the more obscure temples.

Some were completely deserted, a nice change of pace from the packed popular ones.

Between temples we tried to our best to avoid all main roads and use alleys where possible.

We noticed more and more people dressed up in traditional robes as we neared the Hokanji Pagoda.



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