Day thirteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

With another temple visit scheduled tomorrow, we decided to explore the city of Yogyakarta today, starting with Taman Sari Water Palace

<a href="">Taman Sari</a> is the royal garden of the former Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

Of the many different areas and buildings, only the pool complex survived.

Wandering through the surrounding neigborhood we were guided by the locals to another part of the complex, a building that was used as a mosque.

You can reach it by descending into a tunnel that runs below the street.

Speaking about street, there's a lot of cool graffiti on the Yogyakarta streets.

Popping out of the little alleyways we were right across from the royal palace called <a href="">Keraton Yogyakarta</a>, where for some reason they had a lot of chickens.

The palace is the main seat Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family.

Our third stop of the day was the Fort Vredeburg Museum, a museum about the struggle of independency of Indonesia. Unfortunately for us it was school trip day, which meant tons of children wanting a photo. (we managed to dodge most of them, but at the cost of not being able to take photo's ourselves).

We also figured out why children want our photo, apparently it's to proof to their teacher they spoke English with a foreigner, earning them extra credit.



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