Day Fifteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

With the major tourist attractions covered, we wanted to explore the surrounding nature of Yogyakarta. We found an obscure hiking trail that would take us to the top of the Nglanggerang volcano.

The trail takes you trough narrow passes and up stairs if the gradient is steep.

As a reward you get amazing views of the surrounding areas.

To get there we had to hire a private driver for the day. Luckily we met a fellow Dutchman the night before at the temple so we could split the costs.

There was a random refrigerator standing in the middle of nowhere, it works with the honor system, you just put the right amount of money in the jar and take your desired drink from the fridge.

At some point we heard a lot of noise coming from the trees and upon closer inspection it seemed we were surrounded by monkeys.

As the sun was starting to set, we sat down and enjoyed the view, this was one of the best nature trails we'd ever done.



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