Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

I woke up around 08:30, which means that I've beaten the jetlag. Today is my final day in Shanghai, and I accidentally discovered that they have a Teamlab exhibition here. Having seen the ones in Tokyo and Singapore, I thought I'd give it a go here as well.

Compared to Singapore, this place is huge—three floors of amazing rooms with projections. It wasn't busy either, so I had most of the exhibition rooms to myself.

Some rooms are the same as in Tokyo, but others are entirely new.

I was amazed by the room where little carts drove around on tracks with glowing spheres on top. They seem to go on endlessly, and being in a room covered with mirrors adds to the experience.

After a good two hours, I made my way to the exit. It was lunchtime, so I sat down at what I thought was a Chinese Pancake place, but it turned out to be a noodle place instead.

After lunch, I took the metro to the French Concession, a part of Shanghai where the French were allowed to chill out before (and during) World War II.

The streets are lined with trees, making everything look very green and lush. It also blocks the sun (it was a pleasant 28 degrees today).

In the French Concession, there's an artsy area called Tianzifang, with lots of little shops and restaurants.

I wandered around for a bit more before heading to the Sihang Warehouse. This warehouse is where the Chinese army made its last stand in Shanghai during World War II when the Japanese attempted to take over the city. This has been made into a movie called: "The Eight Hundred."

From the warehouse, I made a quick detour to "The Bund," where everyone takes this photo:

But not before some delicious Dumplings and Wontons for dinner.

I eventually made my way back to the metro station to go back to the hotel and give my feet some rest. (over 60.000 steps in the past two days).



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