Day Seven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

It's time to leave Wuxi for a place with more attractions: Nanjing.

Nanjing ShiCN32.04377/118.77887

Nanjing Shi

This meant once again hopping onto the High-Speed train for an hour.

I arrived in the afternoon, with enough daylight, to see some sights.

I settled for a nearby mountain with a Mausoleum dedicated to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, one of the founders of modern China.

It was quite an uphill walk from the metro station, but the views were really nice.

There was another Mausoleum, Ming Xiaoling, built for Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in the same scenic area nearby, and with about an hour of daylight left, I took the gamble to see it.

I managed just in time; it was dark when I exited the site and headed back to the metro station.

In the evening, I headed to Fuzimiao, famous for its many restaurants and shops.

It looks amazing in the dark, and everything is lit up. These are all restored old buildings and attracts a ton of people.

Dinner consisted of one of the local delicacies, Duck Blood Soup. The Duck Blood has a texture not unlike Tofu, and it doesn't really have a taste.

I liked it better than the bottom part of the Duck that was also present in the soup. To finish off the evening, I had a Chinese pancake.



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