Day Fourteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Wuhan became famous for a certain event that happened over the last couple of years, but before that, it was famous for its breakfast, and while I had hotel breakfast (because it was included, and I am still Dutch), the stalls serve it throughout the day so today became mostly about (street) food.

Wuhan ShiCN30.595104/114.299934

Wuhan Shi

Well, and temples, because that’s a running theme throughout all my travels.

The most famous one is the "Yellow Crane Tower." Based on the original Qing Dynasty version, this is a rebuild. With its 51 meters and on top of a hill, it provides excellent views over Wuhan.

A park surrounds the tower; if you get off the main thoroughfare, you'll escape the crowds and walk alone.

I made a lap through the park.

And headed for a popular street food street called Hubu Alley for some snacks.

There was a queue at one of the stalls, and it wasn't too long, so I joined it. The result were these delicious fried potatoes with spices.

Another staple dish in Wuhan is called "hot, dry noodles," which I got by pointing and gesturing, as no one spoke English at the stall. The noods were delicious, though!

The street food alley was next to the Yangtze River, so I headed there and saw some people crossing the river.

Having just eaten, I opted to not join them for their swim.

There were many people hanging around near the bridge, mostly elderly people singing karaoke, fishing or playing cards.

I noticed some people crossing the bridge, so I’d thought I do the same.

On the other side, I continued walking along the road.

That was not the best idea, as it was basically next to a large road without anything interesting to look at.

At some point, I reached a metro station and headed closer to my hotel. It was starting to rain, so it was time to head back to the hotel for a nice shower.

But not before crossing a few alleys and getting some fruit in the process.



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