Day Twenty Six - Twenty Seven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

This is the week where things are settling down. Patterns are starting to form, and coffee shop personnel remember my order when I walk in.

Slowly but surely, things are starting to feel normal and less holiday-y. This is great from a work-focus perspective, but less so from a photography one, as everything looks "normal" now, and instead of taking a photo of something because it looks nice/cool/out of the ordinary from a Dutch perspective, it just looks like it should.

It rained this week (it's the rainy season, but so far, it hasn't been raining too much, at least not in the evening when photos look the most amazing). And this means nice reflections everywhere.

I bought this Moment Cinebloom Filter a while ago and ordered the strongest bloomy-ness.

In hindsight, I should have bought the 10% bloomy-ness instead of the 20%, as it's a bit much sometimes.

It does work out great sometimes, though!

Maybe it's time to move someplace else to get the "I want to take photos" urge back.



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