Day Fourty Six - Fifty two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Having explored almost every inch of Chaing Mai, it's time to head back to Bangkok. Mostly because I booked this flight a while ago, so I had no choice :)



With the blistering heat every day, I was looking for more and more indoor activities to do. Art galleries are an excellent way to get out of the heat, while still getting inspiration and things to see.

It's supposed to be the rain season, but until now, there has been little rain.

The bane of existence for food delivery people, waiting till the order is done.

After working for a few days more, it's the last day in Bangkok. A blistering Sunday where the first "mission" of the day was to find a locker to store my bag, as I already checked out of the hotel.

This did not go as planned, as the online service I used to book a locker beforehand, managed to do that a location that did no longer exist, so I had to lug my heavy bag half-way across the city to a coin locker in the 36-degree heat. Fun times!

People who have traveled with me know I'm a sucker for back-alleys, it's where life happens. Eespecially in Asia, where homes are open to the street and everything is not locked behind front doors and closed curtains (though that's chaging rapidly with all the new apartment complexes).

Most of these photos were taken in Talat Noi, an area on the Menam river and I was planning to head to the dock for a water taxi a bit up the river to Chinatown.

While looking for the dock I wanted to get some bubble tea and entered what I thought was a shopping mall, but it turned out to be a 3-storey venue with art galleries and little shops with design furniture and knick-knacks.

I ended up bying some art for on the walls of my new house.

In the end, my "relaxing" last day in Bangkok was a 30.000+ step mad-dash across the city exploring a couple of neighbourhoods and a few unexpected art-gallery visits.

The day ended with a 2-hour metro trip to the domestic airport of Don Muang, where I have an early flight tomorrow to Penang, Malaysia.



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