Day Three

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After walking 20+ Kilometers / 30.000+ steps yesterday, I took it a bit easier today with a visit to the ArtScience Museum, located at the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore.

But first, breakfast, this time delicious Indian Murtabak, a pancake filled with chicken and vegetables.

The exhibit is called "FutureWorld," and it's created by Teamlab, an art collective that created "Borderless" in Tokyo.

It's interactive digital art, and with temperatures at 34 degrees which feels like 39, it's nice to be inside for a while.

The exhibition is a lot smaller than the Tokyo one but still nice to visit.

After the museum, I made my way to Fort Canning Park, where I planned to wander around for a while.

The sun was out in full force today, and the temperature kept rising, so I cut the visit it short and visited a nearby mall to get Bubble Tea and snacks instead.

After some rest at the apartment, it's time for dinner. The street my apartment is on; Belastier, is known for it's chicken rice, so time to try it out.

For dessert I had Popiah, a crepe-like contraption from Fujian in China, filled with vegetables.



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