Day Fourteen - Nineteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The week was mostly spent working, so not a whole lot of photography happened.

I did go out a few times, one time right after a rainstorm, to catch that nice reflection.

It did take about 15 minutes after taking the camera out of the bag before the lens was de-fogged.

On the last day in Bangkok, before heading to Chiang Mai, my colleague, who had just come over from The Netherlands, and I went for a photo walk, starting with a hipster café.

The contrast between old and new is always fascinating.

Since it was the weekend, it only made sense to visit the Chatuchak weekend market. You can find anything here, from food to giant wooden horse sculptures and pets kept in not-so-great conditions.

It was time for lunch, also available at the market, of course.

It's been almost two weeks without seeing a single temple, so we headed to Wat Arun, situated on the Menam river banks that cross Bangkok.

To get there, we had to take the metro and walk for a bit through lovely alleys.

My colleague had to pick up some tea, which was available in the Icon Siam shopping center. To get there, we took a boat on the river.

Icon Siam is the newest and fanciest shopping center in Bangkok, with great views.

Surprisingly the food is not expensive, and a Mango Sticky Rice was purchased before heading back to the hotel.

The evening ended with Korean BBQ, delicious!



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