Day Fifty Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The Hong Kong breakfast place was closed today, so I moved one shop over and got this delicious toast and curry.

The plan was to visit a nearby temple in the surrounding mountains. Having just missed the bus and another one would take a while, I took a grab taxi to the entrance.

The temple owners have started a renovation of the old entrance, which means that the shopping alley to the entrance now ends in a dead-end, reducing foot-traffic to almost zero.

It's hard for the few remaining shops to make a living from their former prime location.

Entrance to the temple is free, but I'd recommend paying for the little cable-cars up the mountain, especially when the sun is out.

Half-way up, after the first cable-car you get a "free" lift in a buggy to the second cable-car, neat!

This is one of the largest temple complexes in south-east Asia. With over 12.1 hectares of space and a 30-metere bronze statue of Guanyin, the Godess of Mercy, there's plenty to see.

There weren't a ton of visitors today, there was a nice atmosphere of calmness and praying.

The architecture of the pagoda is pretty neat, the bottom third is Chinese, the middle Thai, and the top Burmese.

Time to climb to the top!

Any time is nap time.

The second cable-car is slightly longer and takes you to the 30-metre statue, covered by a 60-metere pavillion.

After making my way down, I was too cheap to get another Grab taxi, so I walked 2.5 kilometers in the mid-day sun to the Penang Hill cable car.

At the top there are plenty of food and drink stalls, and after a delicious fruit shake I was ready to explore the mountain.

The "trails" here are mostly paved, and I recommend taking the "By Paths" instead of the main road. Where the main road is packed with visitors and buggy's, the bypaths are empty.

The green foilage is dotted with amazing views of the city below and the main land across the water.

After enjoying the view just a little more, it's time to head down and take the bus back to the city, which takes about an hour.

After enjoying the view just a little more, it's time to head down and take the bus back to the city, which takes about an hour.

After yesterday's Cendol, it's time for another weirdly coloured dessert named Ais kacang

It means "bean ice", and the ingredients are beans, ice, syrop, corn, mango and jelly beans. This is even more delicious than Cendol!



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