Day Sixteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Technically today is a travel day, but since the plane leaves at 23:55, we decided to re-visit the Zhangjiajie National Park (the entry card is valid for four days) to walk the Golden Whip Stream.

This walkway is famous for its numerous monkeys roaming around.

Every couple hundred meters, the valley takes a turn and reveals new amazing views.

There's something about the signs warning for monkeys that attracts them.

You can rent the chair above, and you'll be walked around the trail by two men; super awkward, we thought, but we've seen people doing it.

The park has a bus system, but the different parts aren't connected. At the end of the trail, we were at a random exit of the park, and we could either walk the trail back or get a taxi to a different entrance from where we could take the free bus. A 100 Yen taxi later, we were at the other entrance, and luckily we weren't alone.

An hour bus ride in the park and another hour bus ride to the hotel later, we have a few hours to freshen up before heading to the airport...



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