Day Eleven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

With the alarm set at 07:00 in the morning, this was one of the most challenging days to wake. At precisely eight o clock, the driver was waiting in front of our hotel to take us to the boat dock for our cruise. While we were in the car, it was still raining and very foggy; we hoped the rain would clear up during the day.

After a Chinese-only safety briefing and a cup of tea, we were allowed to visit the boat's top deck. The view from there was amazing.

Around every bend of the river, there were even more gorgeous views.

However, it took some creativity to get the photos we wanted, as it was pretty busy on the top deck.

After an okay meal on board, we arrived at our destination, the city of Yangshuo, where a nice hotel waited for us.



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