Day Five

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

We started with breakfast and a last quick walk around the neighborhood of our hotel. Then we packed our bags and headed to the ferry to cross the harbor into Kowloon to the train station.

Shenzhen ShiChina22.535383/114.05471

Shenzhen Shi

Today is the day we cross into mainland China and see if our visa works. Cheap as we are, we could either register for individual visas, which cost around 80 euros per person and required a round-trip to the Chinese embassy to get registered.

Or we could become a group tour where I was the tour leader and Onno, the sole participant. This way, we could get a cheaper digital visa, and it didn't require a trip to the embassy.

We chose the latter, of course.

The train took about 30-40 minutes, and you cross the border on foot. Then we had to dodge some shady taxi hustlers and took the subway to our hotel, which took a while as it was hidden in the city center. Settled in, we wandered around the neighborhood.

Right next to our hotel is a fairground of some kind.

It was starting to get dark, time for dinner and hopefully a good nights' sleep.



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