Day Seven & Eight

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Guangzhou ShiChina23.130196/113.25929

Guangzhou Shi

Yesterday mainly consisted of traveling to Guangzhou and camera problems. The amount of dust on my camera's sensor is so significant that I have to spend most of my editing time using the spot-removal tool in Lightroom to get a decent photo.

Despite being in the world's hardware capital, it was impossible to get a sensor cleaning kit for my camera, and eventually, I bought an obviously fake Canon sensor cleaning kit. Surprisingly, it got the job done (mostly).

It took most of the day navigating the many buildings with hundreds of stalls selling everything from iPhone batteries to 3d printers to get my camera fixed. We spent the remaining afternoon traveling from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.

Today we had a pretty lousy weather prediction of mostly rain, so we opted to explore the city instead of hiking up a mountain.

Our hotel is located on a small island that used to be divided between the British and the French; you can see this in the colonial architecture of the buildings.

After our morning coffee, we headed to the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees; on our way, we also ran into the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and the park behind it.

The park was nice, but we still had the temple to find.

It's fun to see how we like to explore parts of the city that we would never have dared to enter a few years ago, such as these alleys.

There are little shops everywhere, and people playing games on the street.

We finally made it to the temple, and just as we suspected, it resembles a lot of the other temples we've visited over the past few years ;)

Apparently, the goal is to throw a coin into the little hole at the top, something this person here took quite a few attempts to achieve.

With our first couple of goals done for the day, it was time for lunch, and for once, I managed to snap a picture before we ate it all. After lunch, we headed to another park to sit down and relax in the hot and humid weather.

The park was a bit of a let-down, and the air was getting more and more humid, a sign that rain was about to pour down. Time to get into the subway and head back to the hotel for a quick refresh.

After a bit of relaxing and waiting for the rain to disappear, we headed back out again to take photos of the Canton tower.



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