Day Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After visiting "Ocean World" yesterday, we decided it was time to explore nature with a hike. Last year we walked the "Dragon back trail" and this time we wanted to see the "Lion Rock peak". It meant taking the ferry to the other side of Kowloon Bay.

After crossing the bay, we took the MTR to the start of our hike. When we exited the subway, we noticed a temple, and since we hadn't seen one yet this trip, we had to check it out.

After a delicious lunch at the nearby mall, we walked the final part to the Hike starting point; from there, it was a steep incline to the top.

The weather was predicted as sunny, but that turned out not to be the case. The temperature was great, though, at a nice 27 degrees, and without the sun and a slight breeze, it was excellent hiking weather.

The trail rewards you every few hundred meters with great views of the Kowloon skyline.

Apparently, things have gone wrong in the past; luckily for us, we approached this sign from the backside, negating any danger ;)

After this, it went all downhill, passing underneath powerlines and eventually back at the city.



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