Day Six

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After yet another terrible night of sleep, it was time to explore Shenzen, and what better way to view the city than from a mountain... Danan mountain, to be exact.

There are over 800 steps to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.

After another couple of hundred steps down, we headed to our next stop, Lianhuashan Park. Once we were in the park, there were several fields with lots of people flying kites.

We found another set of stairs that led to a viewpoint over the park and the buildings behind it.

It was nice to see young and old enjoying the kites, and as the evening was setting in, we made our way down the viewpoint and towards the giant building in the background.

The view from under this building was really nice, and a soft breeze had set in, cooling the 30 degrees sunny skies to a comfortable temperature. We sat on the steps enjoying the view until the sun had set.



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