Day Twelve

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Today was hot, very, very hot. I didn't realize it yet, because the weather app said it was a nice 32 degrees. But I should have looked at the "Feels like" temperature, which was a nice 38 instead.

Blissfully unaware of this fact, I headed to the east side of Taipei to hike the "Four Beasts," as they are called. These Four Peaks have nice views of Taipei 101, the giant skyscraper in the city.

Most people climb the one next to Taipei 101 for the views, but I headed further away, where it was nice and quiet. The neighborhood was lively, and I bought a bao bun to get energy for the hike.

As is typical with Asian hikes, the stairs go right up, and after a couple of hundred meters, I started to sweat. A lot.

Eventually, the path straightened out, but there was no wind or anything to cool off. All I could think of was getting ice cream or a cold drink at the end.

Along the way, there were many options to head downhill back to the city, but I kept telling myself: "Just one more, then I'll get back," and this is how I made the 3-hour loop in the end.

After a well-deserved shower at the hotel, I headed to the nearby night market to stock up on energy.

The "meal" consisted of Fried potato balls, Pork bun, Chicken skewer, scallion pancake, and an egg tart for dessert.



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