Day Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After breakfast with a traditional Pineapple Bun and some oats in milk I walked through the neighbourhood to the M+ Museum.

This museum contains over 1500 pieces of artwork from asian artists.

There was a long, but fast moving queue for tickets and after dropping the bag it was time to wander around for a few hours.

About three hours later I made my way outside, only to discover a heavy downpour. I went back to the hotel for a shower and once the rain cleared, wandered the neighbourhood in search for food.

I plopped down at a random stall and had delicious beef flat noodles and deep-fried oysters, delicious!

This area of Hong Kong used to be filled with Neon signs everywhere, but only a few are left. Such as shame as they look amazing.



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