Day sixteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

This day we took it easy and after sleeping in for a bit we packed our bags and headed on our way to the beautifull city of Barstow, where literally nothing happens. But not before driving through the Hollywood hills for some amazing views of LA.

Las VegasUnited States36.167255/-115.14851

Las Vegas

As mentioned there's not a whole lot to do in Barstow, so we woke up and headed to Las Vegas, so we could check into the hotel and chill at the pool as it was our last day in the USA.

And whith this amazing view from my sunbed at the Mirage pool it's almost time to close this trip.

The next day we returned the rental car and took a 10-hour uneventful flight back to Amsterdam and a train back home.



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