Day nine

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

This is the last National Park we'll be visiting, but it's certainly not least.

Las VegasYosemite Nat. Park

After just a few minutes in the park, we had to hit the breaks hard, a young bear was crossing the road, and because of my excellent photography skills, you can see him/her in the crappy photo below :P

After our bear encounter we had lunch near a lake and made our way into the Valley area of the park.

The road to the valley is filled with amazing viewponts.

In the valley we found a parking spot near the river and we spent some time wandering around the area.

After this little stop it was time to climb up the Bridalveil Fall. The great thing about National Parks is they let you wander around, we made it up to the first small fall with a pool, while everyone else was crowding down below at the viewpoint.

After the waterfall climb, which took almost two hours, we had to circle the loop to get to the tunnel viewpoint. In the loop you have views over "El Capitain", famous for the movie/documentary "Free Solo".

The final view of the day was from the "Tunnel viewpoint" where you could see the iconic view of the park. From this viewpoint we made our way to the town of Merced, where we're staying for the night.



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