Day fourteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

We started the day with some fun in the nearby dunes, we rented a bunch of "Quads" and drove around for a couple of hours before heading to Los Angeles, a city I've avoided on all previous trips, mostly because of the stories about everyone always being stuck in traffic.

Los AngelesUnited States34.05369/-118.24277

Los Angeles

Our hotel was located in Hollywood. Fun fact there are two Travelodge's in Hollywood, make sure you set your navigation to the right one ;). We arrived pretty late and after delicous Burrito's we headed to bed.

The next morning we all installed the Scoot app on our phones, this allows you to unlock one of the 30.000 "scooters" (electric steps) that are placed all around LA. With the scooter unlocked we drove north towards Hollywood Boulevard.

After wandering around the boulevard (quite touristy), we dove into the metro station and took the metro downtown and transferred to the lightrail towards Venice Beach.

We were greeted by the Pier, which is the end of Route 66.

From the pier we headed to the beach, attempting to walk our way to "Muscle beach", but we soon found out it was a lot further than we thought, so out came the phones and scooters were unlocked again. Crossing through the back-alleys of the beach we finally arrived at "Muscle beach", where the people work out, only to find out it was closed for renovation. Fortunately there was plenty of other stuff to see around there.

Event the trees have graffiti here and the local Police force shot some hoops with the locals.

After spending some time on the beach we had the great idea to go back by scooter. The route was through some semi-questionable neighbourhoods, but the weather was nice and the scooters were fun, so what the heck. Nearly an hour later and and some encouragement from the locals underway we made it back to our hotel.



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