Day six

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After another early rise we got back into the car and headed on our way to Bryce Canyon, one of the nicest parks there is.

Las VegasBryce Canyon Nat. Park

Despite its name, Bryce Canyon is not a canyon, but an amphitheater. This because it wasn't caused by a stream, but by water flowing into the... theater. Speaking of flowing into the theater, we took a hiking path down the canyon and did a loop around.

The 30+ degrees heat was nice at first, but at the bottom of the canyon without wind it was a good thing we brought lots of water.

The trail winds through the bottom of the canyon and eventually takes you up to some amazing viewpoints. The floor is covered in a very fine dust that will ruin your shoes and cover your legs.

Having completed the trail, we headed to the "Bryce point" lookout where an enormous amount of spires reveal themselves.

On our way to Cedar City we took a detour through Dixi Forest, where we encountered amazing views and a road full of sheep.



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