Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a horrible night of sleep (Jet-lag) we decided to make sure we would sleep like a baby tonight by walking a good part of the Seoul City Wall

Starting from one of the four main gates we headed up into the mountains surrounding Seoul, encountering a number of weird objects on the way.

As you get up the first mountain, you can see that Seoul streches way beyond the mountain range.

At some points the path besides the wall is broken up by a road and usually it continues on the other side.

With a temperature of about 18 degrees celcius, a light breeze and amazing fall colours, the walk was very enjoyable.

Parts of the wall are still in use today by the military.

At a certain point you have to fill out an application form and show your passport to gain access to that part of the wall. Photography is forbidden unless specified and there's a lot of military and civillian gards patrolling the area. You can see all kinds of radar and air-defence systems.

After a delicious lunch we continued on the wall

From the public side this image below looks like an advertising sign, but behind it is an observation post where a guard can peek through the slots in the sign.

In total we walked 20.7 Kilometers and climbed 232 floors. Our plan was to watch the Lights festival this night, but after a night of bad sleep and tired from the trek we decided to leave that for tomorrow.



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