Day One

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a ten hour flight we arrived at Seoul airport. It was 08:00 in the morning and we didn't get a lot of sleep on the flight.

SeoulSouth Korea37.58333/127


After a cup of coffee and purchasing a couple of data sim cards we made our way to the train to get to the downtown area. At this point it was still way to early to checkin to the hotel, so we dropped our bags and headed out.

Our hotel is right next to a river that used to be a downtown highway. Tomorrow there'll be a festival of light with all kinds of illumiated figures.

It's cool to see how they refurbish a building, the top part is old the bottom part has been refurbished, it looks a lot better.

After following the river to it's beginning in the city center we headed towards the palace. This stretch of land is used for protests agains various things. There's a tent about the sinking of the ferry that happened a few years ago and straight across from the American Embassy there's a protest against (and for) Trump. (who aparently is coming to visit tomorrow).

Just as we were walking away there was someone who was trying to throw something over the embassy walls. This triggered a flood of police officers. Pro-journalists as we are, we were far away with only wide-angle lenses mounted to our camera's so we caught almost nothing of it.

The contrast between old and new is always fascinating in Asia.

Right next to our hotel is a district with lots of little shops that only sell a specific (construction) related class of items. For example there's a shop that only sells fire-extinguishers and another one that only sells lights, or venting ducts etc.

At this time it was almost three o clock, when we could checkin to the hotel, so we had a quick snack and headed back. The plan was to freshen up and head out again, but that didn't happen...



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