Day Ten

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Yesterday was another travel day and while the flight was only 40 minutes long it still took almost the entire day to get to the airport, eat lunch, fly out to Jeju island, take a bus (took almost 2 hours) to the city we were staying in and get to the hotel.

Seogwipo-siSouth Korea33.24972/126.56


Jeju island is located south of the Korean main land and is called "the Hawaii of Korea". So far we can agree it is. The weather is great with sunshine everywhere. Also everywhere are these fellows, they are <em>giant</em>.

As the title suggests, this day is all about waterfalls. There are a lot of them on the island and we plan to visit three of them.

We found this (above) one by accident and it is not part of the three waterfalls we were visiting, we're up to four now!

This is the first "official" waterfall and is the only waterfall in Asia that drops directly into the sea.

At this point we're already 2 falls down and we still didn't eat breakfast, so we decided to do a brunch instead.

After lunch we headed to the next fall. All these are within the city we're staying, called "Seogwipo".

The next one is a bit further out, about 1 hour by bus. This site contains ~~three~~ two waterfalls, the third one only works when it has rained.

To be honest none of the falls at this location were very impressive, but maybe we are spoiled by the beautiful falls we seen in Laos and Indonesia.

After the falls we walked to the Jusangjeolli cliff, a volcanic rock formation at the southern point of the Island.

At this point we were ready to go to the hotel, but Onno spotted a Temple in a citrus/tangerine field on the way over so we used our last bit of energy to take the 5 kilometer walk over there.

After this picture we were debating whether to go into the temple or call it a day. Fortunately for us we decided to go in, as it was one of the most beautifull temples we seen (and we've seen a <em>lot</em> of temples).

The artwork was amazing and there were thousands of statues everywhere. You were also allowed to walk everywhere (it has three flours).



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