Day Seven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Yesterday we took the ~~train~~ bus to Busan, this took about six hours from door to door. After we made it to Busan we had some delicious Korean BBQ and called it a day.

Our hotel is in the center of Busan and today we decided to explore the eastern part of town. First stop was the Yeongdo Lighthouse.

After lunch we took the bus back to the subway station and explored a rooftop garden on top of the Lotte mall (there are dozens of Lotte malls in Korea) with some nice views of the harbour and inland.

After the mall we took the subway to Gamcheon Culture Village, that honestly didn't live up to it's name, (not after we visited <a href="">Jodipan village</a>).

Luckily for us we stumbled upon a nice Eggtart place, a delicious treat we recognised from <a href="">our trip to Macau</a>.



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