
Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The alarm went at 07:00 this morning to leave time for a quick breakfast before heading to Tokyo DisneySea, to maximize the day there. The weather wasn't supposed to be that good, hopefully that will keep the crowds out.

I had one advantage and that was access to the single rider's queue, that allows you to skip the entire queue and whenever there's a spot open because of an odd number of persons occupying the vehicle, it's filled with people from the single rider's queue. It saved me a 100 minute waiting time! (I only had to wait 2 minutes before a spot was open).

The theming of the park is excellent as expected from Disney, there are plenty of things to see and wander around when not queueing for rides.

The park is open from 08:30 to 22:00 and during the evening the park still looks awesome.

In all I spent a good 12+ hours in the park and managed to enjoy all the rides and the fireworks show at the end of the evening, I can highly recommend visiting this park when you're in the neighbourhood.



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