Institute for Nature Study

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Today's program consisted of a few parks in the city center as there was a bit of rain forecasted. I started with the "Institute for Nature Study" that supposedly has very nice fall colors in this time of year.

Unfortunately the predicted rain was a lot heavier then expected and even an umbrella didn't offer much protection.

There was only once place to get out of the rain in the entire park, so that's where I ate my lunch. After that I finished the lap around the park and called it a day.

I didn't have had any Sushi yet, so time to fix that. This was a very nice place near my hotel and they had a laminated piece of paper explaining the etiquette and how to order custom items, that was very nice!

After dinner I did a quick lap around the local shopping street and headed back to the hotel.



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