Mt. Mitake

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Today was another rainy day, time to venture out into the wild, hopefully the trees provide some rain cover.

After nearly three hours on the train I arrived at the base of the Mitaketozan Cable car.

Mt. Mitke is a bit away from the city and on this foggy and rainy day there weren't a lot of people around.

The cable car is the best way up the mountain.

The cable car takes us up the mountain, where I encounter a temple (what else ;)).

The details in the stairs are really cool.

There weren't a lot of other people around, combined with the fog and rain it made for a very eerie feeling.

The nature is beautiful, with the fall colors coming in.

On mt. Mitake there are a number of water falls. Some of them are sacred and used by monks to train under them.

After half a day I made it back to civilisation. Be sure to check the cable car times, as you'll have to hike down yourself after the final departue.

It was already getting dark and after the 3 hour train ride back it was a quick dinner and straight to bed.



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