Day Twenty

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Last night we received a message from the tour guide that our pickup would be at 06:10 the next morning. The destination: Bridge on the River Kwai. It took a 2.5 hour drive to the river where we took a boat to the bridge.

The bridge was constructed as part of the <a href="">Birma Railway</a> during the second world war.

There were two bridges over the river, this one and a wooden temporary bridge (Famous from the movie, that by the way, does not represent acutal facts about this railway).

The sign below was placed after a Japanese man was dragged along with the train just a week ago.

After half an hour the train to Burma arrived.

The train took us though jungle and farmlands.

This wooden bridge was built as part of the original railway in the second world war and still standing.

After a few hours in the train we reached or destination and after lunch drove 3 hours back to Bangkok.



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