Day Eleven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

We left the hotel around 10:30 and after a few meters we were already soaked in sweat. At least the sun was blocked by the clouds for the moment.

We had to follow the boulevard to our first destination, Wat Phnom. The highest religious building in Phnom Penh.

Wat Phnom was built in 1373, and stands 27 metres tall above ground.

You can buy these birds to release them, or the (fake) money to burn it.

One of the main themes of this holiday is that pretty much everything we visit is under renovation. This temple is no exception.

The next stop is another temple, Wat Ounalom. Mostly because the Royal Palace is closed between 11:00 and 14:00, so we had a few hours to kill before lunch.

We got blessed by this man in a temple :).

After the blessing we made our way to the Royal Palace. But not before stopping somewhere to get a drink (and a bathroom to change from shorts to "proper dresscode").

After saying "no" to the question if we needed a TukTuk for the gazillionth time we weren in the Royal Palace.



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