Day Seven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

It's hot, it's humid, it's messy, it's busy, it's loud, it's Bangkok!



Armed with a list of temples we wanted to visit, we headed to the end of the subway line and walked to the first wat (temple), Wat Traimit.

With Bangkok comes the TukTuk, a cheap taxi that gets you anywhere.

We hopped on a TukTuk to our next wat, Wat Intharawihan.

The next wat was Wat Benchamabopit.

The final wat of our tour was Bavorn Niwet. We had rented a TukTuk for 50 Thai Baht to take us to these three temples.

With the TukTuk driver getting tired of us (he kept trying to drop us off at suit stores, so he would get a commission, we didn't need a suit), we walked from Bavorn Niwet to the river to get the water taxi to our last temple.

On our way to the river we came across this fort, Pom Pra Sumen. Built in 1783 to defend against potential naval invasions.

The water taxi was a refreshing experience. A couple of minutes not beeing surrounded by gas fumes and moped/tuktuk noises was bliss. It took us to our last temple of the day: Wat Pho.

The temple features a giant reclining Buddha.



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