Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

At 8 o clock your private tour guide and driver pulled up to the hotel parking lot. Today the plan is to visit the Great Wall of China and a few other historic sites.

It's already 25 degrees and the sun is out in full force

As we climb higher up the wall, the crowds start to diminish. Most only make it to the first tower before heading back. Eventually we're all alone on the wall.

In the distance you can see the outskirts of Beijing.

We finally made it to the top! It took a good hour to climb this far.

After getting dinner we head out to visit the next site. The Spirit Walk. One of the few places and emperor wasn't carried but had to walk himself.

The spirit walk is the first part of making our way to the Tomb of China's first emperor.



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