Day Twenty One

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

We started the day with a visit to the Tokyo/Edo castle. It's right next to Tokyo station and has a very nice park.

When we were there a large number of people was removing weeds from the grass by hand in the 30+ degrees heat.

This is one of the few buildings left of the castle, the rest was destroyed in a fire.

A few steps away the ever present skyscrapers are looming over the park.

The old Tokyo station building. It's the first time we saw it even though we passed through the station a number of times, but we mainly used the huge tunnel system / mall below the station.

After a very spicy lunch we were off to Shinjuku.

If you pay attention you stumble on a number of temples, hidden between the buildings.

Since we were a bit early for our final destination we wandered around in the neighbourhood.

It was finally time for our last destination of the trip. The Robot Restaurant. It's hard to explain what happens but the easiest explanation is that it's a batshit crazy dinner show.

Welcomed in the most kitch waiting room ever we ordered our beers and waited for the show to start.

What followed next is a show that makes no sense, but is soooo awesome.

We couldn't have asked for a better ending to our trip. Thanks for reading!



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