Day Six

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The amount of photo's from today will be very low. Most of the time we weren't allowed to take photos. And i also kinda forgot my memory cards...

We got up very early (what else is new) to meet our driver who took us to the bus heading for the DMZ.

We visited the No. 3 tunnel dug by the North Koreans to invade Seoul. After that we got lunch and headed for the DMZ. First stop: the Bridge.

There are mine warnings everywhere.

This is the most northern Railway station. And it was supposed to connect with the tracks to North Korea, but after South Korea built the station, nothing really happened.

After countless ID clothing checks and always accompanied by guards, it was finally time to visit the famous blue buildings on the border of North and South Korea.

Gravel is South Korea. Concrete is North Korea.

The tour was at it's end and we headed back to Seoul, where we found a spot for dinner.

After a delicious dinner it was time for the final attraction of Seoul on this trip, the N Seoul Tower.



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