Day Nine

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Today we started out in Shinjuku where we got our morning coffee.

From there we took the train to the Imperial Palace, unfortunately it was closed (on a friday!). So back to the train it was.

This time we emerged from the train in Ginza, a shopping district that reminds of 5th avenue in New York.

After a nice lunch in a park, we headed for the fish market.

Actually we were just heading to a subway station, the fish market happened to be there :) The subway took us to Yoyogi, where we visited Meiji Jingu, a shrine.

More trains, this time to Shibuya for a picture of the famous crossing.

This is the famous crossing. All sides get the green light at the same time and the crossing fills with people.

After "the freak show" as a local photographer called it, we headed for Omotesando. This is a district where top brands use the weirdest architecture to get customers.

Finally it was time for our last subway ride (and the busiest one yet) back to our hotel.



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