Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a good night's sleep we were ready to tackle the second day. We started by making our way to the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.

The entrance fee is 500 Yen and more than worth it. The garden has several themed areas and a greenhouse filled with exotic plants.

Despite it being October, fall hasn't set in fully yet and most trees are still green.

From the greenhouse we made our way to the Japanese garden area, where you can find the best views.

These women are all sketching the view above.

With the Japanese garden we completed our lap of the park and we headed to the Korean area near Shinjuku station for some delicious Korean Bibimbap.

After lunch it was time to head to the Temple/Shrine of the day, the Meiji Jingu Shrine south of Shinjuku.

There were tons of people milling around and the guards were gesturing people away from a certain gate. Turns out there was a wedding procession (we think).

From Shinjuku we walked to Shibuya, where the famous crossing is, though I didn't take any photo's for some reason...

We still had some time left before the sun set, so we made our way to the Imperial palace. In two days the Emperor will ascend the throne, so now's the only time we can actually make it to the palace.



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