Day Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

It was supposed to rain a lot today, so we adjusted the goal to just having delicious Chinese food at Chinatown, Yokohama.

Walking through the station building we came upon an elevator that had an "R" button for "Roof", so we pressed it and went up.

Following our roof adventure we headed towards the Giant ferris weel, where we hoped to get some food. (we did, delicious Chinese food).

Walking back from lunch we passed a huge sailboat and the lady at the cashiers desk waved us in. Today was the ascension of the Emperor of Japan, which meant access was free!

This ship was used by sailors and merchant officers to train life on a ship.

They were restoring/maintaining the ship while we were there.

There was a really nice tour through the entire ship and all signes were in both Japanese and English, it was really well done.

From the ship we walked onwards towards our goal of the day, Chinatown.

The "scaffold curse" strikes again, the main temple was under rennovation.

Dinner was great (Chicken Cashew and beer) and we can call the day a success.



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