Day One

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The first stop were the Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens, right across from our hotel near the Tokyo dome, a large stadium used for Baseball games and concerts.

It was supposed to rain today, but the weather held up and we didn't have to use the umbrella once. It did make for weird lighting though.

After wandering around the garden for a while we made our way to the subway to head to one of the biggest tourist attractions in Tokyo, the Senso-Ji temple.

It was a Saturday and the crowds were out in force. Behind the temples where some food stalls where we bought some Takoyaki, or octopus balls and endjoyed the scenery around us.

After these snacks we made our way back to the hotel for some rest and after a quick bite at CoCo's curry we finally made our self-imposed deadline of no sleep before 22:00 to combat Jet-lag.



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