Day Twelve

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

When I woke up it was a nice 18 degrees and there was a sunny sky, a great day to spend in a Park. The park of choise was the Koishikawa Kōrakuen Garden, it was constructed in 1629 and one of two parks remaining form the Edo period.

The highrises in the background remind you that you're still in the center of Tokyo.

After a few hours in the park, it was time to head to the second place on my list, Akasaka Palace.

This means taking the train of course. The guy in the black/yellow striped box is the dispatcher that announces the train destination and tells people to stay away from the doors when they're closing.

The palace is designated by the government of Japan as an official accommodation for visiting state dignitaries and therefor surrounded by stern, but friendly guards.

The palace is surrounded by a park that is off-limits to visitors. On my way to a nearby subway stop, I stumbled on a fair with lots of food stands.

After a few delicious snacks it was time to head to the final destination for today, Tokyo Tower.

Spot the difference.



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