Day Six

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Tonight I'll sleep in a Capsule Hotel, this means travelling across Tokyo to Shinjuku.

Near the Shinjuku station you can find the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, and it's beautifull in the fall.

The fall colors are amazing.

The entrance fee is 200 Yen, (About 1,75 Euro's) and more then worth it.

After a few hours I headed to another park, Yoyogi Park where the Meiji Jingu shrine is. <a href="">I've been there before</a>, but I had an hour to kill before dinner.

At this point it was getting dark, time to find some food.

After a delicious curry I wandered around Shinjuku station.



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