Day Sixteen

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After seeing the Muji store yesterday. I wondered what else Tokyo had to offer in terms of design. After a quick google I found an exhibition about architecture from the Tokyo Design Hub. It was in Roppongi, a part of Tokyo I haven't visited before.

The exhibition was off limits for photography, as in you couldn't make close-up shots of the projects. Most of the projects explained the design choises of the buildings to fit their surroundings and the architectural process in general.

After strolling through the exhibition for a while I headed to another exhibition at the Roppongi Hills tower. As usual I got lost..

In this park I noticed a lot of lights hanging in the trees and on the grass.

Speaking of noticing things, there are a lot of unusual things placed on roofs.

Finally I maded it to the Roppongi Hills tower. Before I went up, I was still in doubt if I should do it, I've already been up the SKYTREE and the Tokyo Metropolitain Government Building, but according to TripAdvisor and other online sources Roppongi Hills is the best one.

There are three choises for tickets, a star tour, an art museum and a changing exhibition. I went for the Art museum and a trip to the sky deck.

Turns out I made the right choice, I really dig this art style and the murals are amazing.

The artist is <a href="">Takashi Murakami</a> and he calls this style "Superflat".

These are just tiny details of huge murals.

My plan was to catch the "golden hour" (the hour when the sun sets and casts indirect light) on the sky deck, but I spent way to much time looking at these murals. When I was done it was dark outside.

After also spending way to much time up on the sky deck my stomach was telling me it was Sushi time. But not before backtracking to the park where I saw the lights in the trees, to see what was up.

The Sushi was made right in front of me by chefs that were fast and meticulous, a joy to watch.

After dinner and a few beers it was time to take the train home.



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