Day One

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

At exactly 14:20 the train arrived to take me to Arnhem station, where Onno would meet me to take the train to Dusseldorf Aiport.

Once arrived at the airport, we checked the departure times and noticed that our flight to Istanbul had a one hour delay. Which was not great, as our connection flight had a connection time of... one hour.

Still, we had to make it to Istanbul first.



One hour later than planned we arrived at Istanbul Ataturk Airport. Our next flight would leave exactly 8 minutes after we arrived at the gate. We made our way to the gate just to tick the box of "we tried" in case anyone was waiting for us (no one waited).

Long story short (it's 02:40 now), we got re-booked on a new flight, a visa to get into Turkey, a free hotel with breakfast and lunch and plenty of time to explore Istanbul tomorrow.



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