Day Eight

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Our train leaves at 15:50 in the afternoon, which means we have half a day to spend in Bukhara.

We chose to visit a few sites outside the city with a hired driver to fill the time. He'd drop us off at the station at the end of the "tour".

First up was Chor Bakr Necropolis, the burial place of "Abu-Bakr-Said", one of the descendants of Muhammad.

When we were wandering around a man approached us and asked if we would like to climb the mosque to get a better view, for just 10.000 SOM per person. We thought sure, why not and were guided to a staircase and told to have fun. We could walk around everywhere, even up to the edge on the roof.

Next up was "Sitori-i-Mokhi Khosa palace", the summer palace of palace of the Amir of Bukhara.

Finally we went to "Baha-ud-din Naqshband Bokhari Memorial Complex". He was the founder of what would become one of the largest Sufi Muslim orders, the Naqshbandi.

A curious man wanted to see what I was taking photo's of.


Near the station was an old palace, build for a king that never moved in so it was repurposed as a train station.

It's surrounded by the obligatory Soviet era fun-fare. The Bukhara-1 train station is not actually located in Bukhara, but in a town near the city called Kogon.

Bukhara-2 is a train station that is located in the city, but is freight only.

After a late lunch we boarded our high-speed train to Samarkand.



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