Day Ten

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After Arches it was time for the next park: Bryce Canyon. Again details are a bit hazy as I write this about nine years later, but it was either on the same day, or the next. I really can't remember.

Las VegasDenverBryce Canyon Nat. Park

Where we only stopped at the viewpoints for a quick look last year. (well not entirely true we did do some small hikes).

This time we took a trail to the bottom of the valley, where you can walk in between the rock formations. Really cool!

It was super hot and we weren't really prepared for the trek, so no backpacks with drinks or anything. Luckily the trek was only about an hour-hour and a half before we were back at the car for refreshments.

It's hard to imagine from the top that there's an actual trail through valley, but once you head down to the valley floor, you get a whole different view of the rock formations, amazing.

It's hard to capture the scale of where you're walking. A desire for a wide-angle lens was born that day.

Dealing with the light in Utah is tricky everyting becomes too yellow and green quickly, something I still haven't mastered correcting yet.

What goes down must unfortunately also make it's way back up, which was quite the exercise in the heat, but we made it! The next couple of viewpoints were done by car only :)



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