Day Eleven - Twenty

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After all the parks it was time for a change of pace. Where last time we only spent a single evening in Las Vegas, we now had slightly longer to explore the city.

We booked a room in the Luxor Hotel, shaped like a pyramid, which makes for an interesting interior.

The room was great and the hotel a nice base to explore the city, which we did without camera's.

After Las Vegas we went on to Death Valley. Where the heat was exceptional. 110F is almost 44 degrees Celsius.

Death Valley Nat. ParkYosemite Nat. ParkLas VegasLos Angeles

Where last time we went down to the Mexican border, this time we headed to the coast, slightly above Los Angeles where we rode ATV's through the dunes.

We then made our way up the coast on Highway One, before heading inlands to Yosemite National Park.

From Yosemite we headed back to the coast above San Francisco, where we would eventually end up.

Highway one was beautiful, we stopped often to enjoy the views from the road.

From Highway One we made our way inland to Yosemite National Park. We didn't get to explore the park much as it was already getting late. We did climb up to the waterfall, which was very nice!.

The last few days were spent in San Francisco, exploring Alcatraz and doing all the touristy things.



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